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2022年10月09日 11:13  点击:[]


贠娟莉,陕西兴平人。入选陕西省级人才,ok138cn太阳集团古天乐教授,博士研究生导师。2012年毕业于中国科学院大学,获得博士学位。2012年月至20153月,于中国科学院大学资源与环境学院进行博士后研究工作。20154月至20226月,任职于中国科学院微生物研究所,期间于201710月至20189月在英国东英吉利大学(University of East Anglia)环境学院Colin Murrell教授实验室进行访学。20227加入ok138cn太阳集团古天乐,任职教师。


主持国家自然科学基金3三项、中国博士后特别资助、中国科学院生态环境研究中心开放基金等项目。参与国家自然基金重大项目、重点研发计划、面上项目等多项项目。在SmallLab on a Chip, Environmental Microbiology, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。任Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Environmental InternationalThe ISME Communication,《环境科学》等期刊审稿人。






ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juanli-Yun







国家重点研发计划:“病原学与防疫技术体系研究”, 难培养和微量病原体靶向培养技术研究,参与。


1. Zhang, J.L., Yun, J.L., Yue, L., Du, W.*, and  Liang, Y.H.* Distinctive microbiota distribution from healthy oral to post-treatment apical periodontitis. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 2022, 12. DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2022.980157.

2. Cai, Y.* Yun, J.L.,  and Jia, Z.J. Phylogeny and Metabolic Potential of the Methanotrophic Lineage MO3 in Beijerinckiaceae from the Paddy Soil through Metagenome-Assembled Genome Reconstruction. Microorganisms, 2022, 10(5).

3. Zhao, Q.Z., Wang,Y.F, Xu, Z.H, Yun, J.L and Yu, Z.S.* Unravelling how biochar and dung amendments determine the functional structure and community assembly related to methane metabolisms in grassland soils. Biochar, 2022, 4(1): 49.

4. Yun, J.L, Crombie, A.T., Muhammad F., Cai, Y. , Zheng, X., Wang, J., Jia, Z., MurrelL, J. C., Wang, Y.F.*, Du, W.B.* Revealing the community and metabolic potential of active methanotrophs by targeted metagenomics in the Zoige wetland of the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Microbiology. 2021, 23(11): 6520-6535.

5. Yun, J.L., Du, W.B.* Two Metagenome-Assembled Genomes of Hydrogen-Dependent Methanomassiliicoccales Methanogens from the Zoige Wetland of the Tibetan Plateau, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2021, 10(17), e00021-21.

6. Yun, J.L.#, Zheng, X.W.#, Xu. P.#, Zheng, X., Xu, J.Y., Cao, C., Fu, Y.S., Xu, B.X., Dai, X., Wang, Y., Liu, H.T., Yi, Q.L., Zhu, Y.X., Wang, J., Wang, L., Dong, Z.Y., Huang, L.*, Huang, Y.Y.*, Du, W.B.* Interfacial Nanoinjection-based Nanoliter Single-cell Analysis, Small, 2020, 16, 1903739. IF: 11.459, 一区

7. Hu, B.Y., Xu, B.X.; Yun, J.L.*; Wang, J., Xie, B.L., Li, C.M., Yu, Y.H., Lan, Y., Zhu, Y.X., Dai, X., Huang, Y., Huang, L., Pan, J.Z.*, Du, W.B.* High-throughput Single-cell Cultivation Reveals Underexplored Rare Biosphere in Deep-sea Sediments Along the Southwest Indian Ridge, Lab On a Chip, 2020, 20, 363-372.

8. Yun, J.L.*, Y. Deng, H. Zhang, Anthropogenic protection alters the microbiome in intertidal mangrove wetlands in Hainan Island, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101(15), 6241-6252.

9. Tao, Y., Yun, J.L., Wang, J., Xu, P., Li, C.M., Liu, H.T., Lan, Y.*, Pan, J.Z.*, Du, W.B.*. High-Performance Detection of Mycobacterium bovis in Milk Using Digital LAMP, Food Chemistry, 2020, 327, 126945.

10. Yun, J.L., Y. Ju, Y. Deng, H. Zhang*, Methanotroph diversity in Sanjiang wetland, Northeast China, Microbial Ecology, 2015, 69(3): 567-576.

11. 胡倍瑜, 徐冰雪, 贠娟莉, 陈栋炜, 杜文斌. 基于液滴微流控的微生物单细胞高通量培养分选技术(12章第二节). 中国土壤微生物组,浙江大学出版社, 2021.12, pp. 563-577.



E-mail: yunjl@sust.edu.cn

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